Wednesday Nov 18, 2015
Reza Aslan speaks about HOW TO WIN A COSMIC WAR and Islamophobia
Wednesday Nov 18, 2015
Wednesday Nov 18, 2015
In 2009, I interviewed Reza Aslan about his book How to Win a Cosmic War. He elequently described why religion should be taken out of the discussion of the war on terrorism and addressed the magnitude of islamophobia on national and global levels. His words ring true today...six years after his interview.
Monday Jun 15, 2015
Live to paint and paint to live--Wendy Schaefer & Kevin Miles
Monday Jun 15, 2015
Monday Jun 15, 2015
On a Monday afternoon, while following the lead of our combined four children, my sister and I found ourselves at the local Kwik Trip. The kiddos had far more energy than either of us by this point and I was doing my best to maintain my laid-back, calm, cool and collected self as my three year old begged for rice crispy treats, juice and sunglasses and then insisted that she be the door opener and closer of the bathroom (as I changed my four-month old's diaper) and my sister waited somewhat (understandably) impatiently with her two-year old and five-year old. As I stood outside of the bathroom waiting for my daughter to open the door (this is her greatest life pleasure for some reason) smiling as I reflected on what my life has become, a flyer advertising painting classes caught my eye. The next evening, after taking our kids to a dairy farm (as my teacher-sister thought it would be important for the kids to understand where milk comes from scheduled a visit), and we peeled our children off of our legs (convincing them that grandma would take good care of them for two hours), we found ourselves sipping wine and water in the Schaefer-Miles studio. As we painted along and chatted, I became intrigued with the artist-couple's unique story and knew they were a perfect fit for my next book. In true form, I invited myself back to their studio for an interview. Here is a snippet of their intriguing story.
Saturday May 30, 2015
Saturday May 30, 2015
Lisa Kivirist and her husband traded in a life and workstyle that many of us have become very familiar with---long hours, stress and take-out dinners--for something much simpler. They learned the ropes of sustainability and food (from growing it to preparing it) one step at a time and turned their passion with purpose into a bed and breakfast called Inn Serendipity. The key to making substantial change, Lisa says, is making small, bite-size changes.
If you're in the midwest this summer, it may be worth checking this out.
Saturday May 30, 2015
Pace Yourself--Gloria Steinem
Saturday May 30, 2015
Saturday May 30, 2015
When I co-interviewed Gloria Steinem, I was struck by her response to my colleague's question. My colleague asked 'what is it in your bones that makes you believe you can accomplish anything?' Gloria paused a moment before humbling explaining that she doesn't believe that. She suggested that we may be setting girls up for failure by telling them that they can accomplish anythig, because, as she explained, change takes time.
Thursday Aug 21, 2014
Moms of Oakland Stand in Solidarity with Michael Brown's family
Thursday Aug 21, 2014
Thursday Aug 21, 2014
As people around the United States stand in solidarity with Michael Brown and the people of Missouri, the mothers of Oscar Grant, Alan Blueford and others who have lost their lives to police brutality took to the streets of Oakland demanding justice.
Friday Jul 04, 2014
Malalai Joya
Friday Jul 04, 2014
Friday Jul 04, 2014
Malalai Joya considers herself a member of the war generation in Afghanistan. Because she says the women in her country can't afford to stay silent, complacent and uneducated, she is dedicating her entire life to the cause of fighting for democracy through education.
Tuesday Jun 10, 2014
Tuesday Jun 10, 2014
Eric Velesquez is a children's illustrator. His mom began reading him illustrated books when he was a child in hopes of inspiring him to learn English. In time, he learned English, but fell in deep love with the illustrations!
Monday Apr 07, 2014
Bloom where you are planted! Tribute to Anne Nelson
Monday Apr 07, 2014
Monday Apr 07, 2014
No matter where in the world we end up or take ourselves, we are in charge of our own happiness and our life will be what we make of it. While working on my first book, The Journey of Life: 100 Lessons from Around the World, my mother suggested that I talk with her Scottish friend who wound up in what I had considered, "The-Middle-of-Nowhere, Wisconsin." I was deeply inspired by my interviewee's 'can-do,' 'life is what you make of it,' attitude and I'm sure you will be too.
Wednesday Mar 26, 2014
Happy 80th Birthday Gloria Steinem!
Wednesday Mar 26, 2014
Wednesday Mar 26, 2014
A little over five-years ago, I took on my first field assignment for KPFA. I covered the Women's Multicultural Conference at UC Berkeley and did my very first on-the-spot field interview with a woman who has become an icon for women around the world, Gloria Steinem! Here's a clip of my interview with Gloria that I did along with Elisa Parker from KVMR in Nevada City, California! Thanks for fighting to make the world a better place Gloria! Keep fighting for justice and we'll keep fighting along with you:)
Wednesday Feb 26, 2014